re•la•tion•ship [ree-‘lay-shun-ship]
- a state of connectedness between people; an alliance.
- a connection involving mutual dealings between two or more people, parties or businesses.
- the most important advantage Starboard offers its clients.
Marie Gemelli-Carroll has always had an affinity for Cincinnati, having earned her master’s degrees in education (communication arts) and in business administration (marketing) from Xavier University. In fact, the southwestern Ohio city has been her home for over 40 years.
For Marie, Cincinnati’s arts and culture, its big-city appeal and small-town neighborhoods, its history and its diversity are what make her proud to live and work in downtown Cincinnati.
Starboard Strategy
312 Walnut Street, Suite 1600
Cincinnati OH 45202
Phone: 513-723-1995
E-mail: [email protected]