
vi•sion•ist   [‘vih-shuh-nist]
  1. a forward-thinking, innovative person focused on helping you understand all that can be done to achieve your highest aspirations. –adjective
  2. the type of philosophy that Starboard employs to develop an action plan to reach a client’s goals.
See also: starboard 

Corporations that need a bold, bright idea well executed … entrepreneurs in search of a whole-brain brand of thinking … sole proprietors who need collaborators, analyticals and visionists to see their long-term objectives home, so they can handle the day-to-day …

For corporate clients, Starboard brings a diverse and representative kind of thinking to the problem at hand. Many times, some areas of your operations may be strong, while others are lacking needed attention. We can shore up your strengths in those trouble areas to set you back on course.

Our corporate clients over the last 20 years have included:

• Cincinnati Enquirer • Duke Energy • Cincinnati Business Courier • Clark Schaefer & Hackett & Co. • Procter & Gamble Co. • Cincinnati Bell • Delta Air Lines • Cincinnati Sports Club • The Powers Agency • Macy’s • BRBS World