
re•la•tion•ship  [ree-‘lay-shun-ship]
  1. a state of connectedness between people; an alliance.
  2. a connection involving mutual dealings between two or more people, parties or businesses.
  3. the most important advantage Starboard offers its clients.
See also: visionist 

At Starboard, we’re all about our clients. We actually find it impossible to do our work without cultivating relationships — and we take the extra step of leveraging those relationships for our clients’ benefit. We assemble a team of savvy people who are well aware that it’s not just who they know but what they know that can make the difference in your day’s agenda.

Relationship-building starts with an assessment of both the current relationship and the desired outcome. From there, an action plan is proposed — complete with timeline, budget, responsibilities and success indicators. We then work with the client to implement it, using proven processes.

Assisting corporate and nonprofit clients large and small, Starboard now helps clients establish, maintain and enhance their relationships with municipal governments and the citizens they serve.

Every successful relationship starts with a dialogue. We want to hear about you and your goals.