Our Approach

gri•du•la•tor   [‘grih-dyoo-lay-tuhr]
  1. a signature Starboard tool used to assist clients with visualization of their information and work.
  2. a visually engaging and ultra-informative analysis tool, often embodied in the form of grids, matrices and tables.
See also: intelligence

Anyone who has ever worked with Starboard inevitably asks, “Where does the grid come in?” That’s because we believe that if your company, committee, board or sales staff can’t make its point in one page, then you’re not there yet. And if you’re not there yet, we can get you there.

You see, we are point people — reliable, focused advocates of your objectives — and one of our biggest strengths is breaking down statistics into digestible portions. If you find yourself overwhelmed by stacks of information, we summarize the pertinent points and reveal signposts and other areas-of-improvement indicators that demand your attention most.

What’s more, everything we do for you is actionable — we not only offer new approaches and customized programs, but we also teach you to recreate these solutions so that you understand how to proceed with your future needs. Think of it as intelligent effort at its finest.

Common considerations include:

  • concepting the marketing blueprint
  • determining how the campaign will be measured
  • figuring how best to test, implement and monitor results
  • creating the vision
  • seeing to it that the plan is executed well
  • ensuring that the marketing plan is working

Starboard helps clients set their direction and then take the right steps to move toward their goals, by asking the following critical questions:

  • What are you trying to accomplish today?
  • What keeps you awake at night?
  • What project not currently on your plate could put you closer to reaching your goals? What will increase your capacity to get it done?

Realizing that any given project isn’t our work but the work of the client, we integrate factors like your budget and timeline and keep in constant contact so there are no surprises. We deliver what you need expertly, so that like the motion of dolphins, your results appear second nature.