Valued Customers

vi•sion•ist   [‘vih-shuh-nist]
  1. a forward-thinking, innovative person focused on helping you understand all that can be done to achieve your highest aspirations. –adjective
  2. the type of philosophy that Starboard employs to develop an action plan to reach a client’s goals.
See also: starboard 

When you team up with Starboard, you’re not just hiring skilled organizers, but expert creative thinkers — creative thinkers who can see beyond common obstacles and any systems inefficiencies you may encounter. Because of the variety of clients we’ve served throughout the years, we have a predilection for coming up with visionary approaches, based on the success of our past programs and initiatives.

Our clients run the gamut of a board president whose key staff has been charged with creating and then executing a marketing plan … a sole proprietor whose tedious day-to-day operations have you reeling about why you are in business, or whether you need to find a new company direction … a corporate team not only in need of help figuring out which areas each member excels in, but also help determining how to get better — or better still, help avoiding doing the things they shouldn’t be wasting their skill sets on, so that objectives can be met more efficiently.

So what is it that you need accomplished? Take the first step toward becoming our next valued customer.